MAC Knife offers our 25 year limited warranty on New Item purchases made through Authorized Sellers.  For unauthorized sellers, the warranty is invalid, and any issues must be raised directly with the seller or Amazon (or Ebay, etc.).  Listed below are known unauthorized and counterfeit sellers.  Please be advised that unauthorized sellers vary by day and can easily change their seller name, so if a name is not listed below, they may still be an unauthorized seller.  Listings shipping from Japan or any other country are also unauthorized.


Using a Smartphone and Amazon App

  1. Open your Amazon App
  2. Click on the 3 Horizontal bars (lower right corner)
  3. Click on “Orders” in the pop up window (lower left corner)
  4. Locate your order or use the “Search all orders” box
  5. Scroll down to “Order Info”, “View order details”
  6. Under “Shipment details” and directly under the Product Description, you will see the name of the Seller as “Sold by:”

Using a PC, Tablet

  1. Log into your Amazon Account
  2. Click on “Returns & Orders” (upper right corner of screen)
  3. Locate your order or use the “Search all orders” box
  4. Click on “View Invoice” (upper right corner under your Order#)
  5. Under “Items Ordered” and Description of the item (upper left corner), you will see the name of the Seller as “Sold by:” and/or “Supplied by:”


PAKISTAN.  All Pakistan sellers are selling Counterfeits.

360 Products LLC. 4/18/24 Confirmed Counterfeits.

Adoga Raahe.  4/18/24 not authorized, likely Counterfeits.

Ahmad Bilal Mart (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

Alisveriskolik,also selling as Shopholic999 (highly likely selling Counterfeits on Amazon)

Amazon, LLC. (

AMZN_Wholesale 7/13/24  (same as Shineup, LLC)

Ameen Amjad 4/11/24. Confirmed Counterfeits.

Ahmad Lahore Mart  (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers). 2/20/24 Confirmed Counterfeits.

Angel Seller (confirmed unauthorized seller)

Anum Saleem/Royal Revelations 3/7/24 (same address as other confirmed Counterfeits)

Areeba Tahir 3/12/24 (same address as other confirmed Counterfeits)

Atanyla Shopped (fulfilling with differerent, lower priced sets)

Blade Brawlers 7/13/2024

BLINGNDAZZ 7/13/2024

BBMA Trades 07/2024

BUY AND ENJOY 1 (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers, 2/7/23 change from Hafiz Umair.2/20 Confirmed Counterfeits/

BuyBoxLover/Quality Knifes 2 (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

Castellar 3/29/24 listing MTH-80,fulfiliing with less expensive TH-80

Chic Brush. (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers.  2/26/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Cooking Deppot LLC.  7/2 mimicing our authorized seller "Cooking Depot"

Dino Cart. Located in Pakistan.  Pakistan is the main source of Counterfeit MAC knives and no genuine MAC knives are sold to Pakistan.

eBay Sellers.  Orientaldiscount is the only authorized seller of new MAC knives.

Enterprise USA Group 4/21/24 most likely selling Counterfeits

Expeder Industry 3/28 suspected counterfeits.

Essa Khan Mart/RAK Cutlery (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers). 3/6/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Fatima Pro 3/9/24 (same address as other confirmed Counterfeits). Shipping Counterfeit knives marked as GUDX Counterfeits.

FVLShopping 4/15 not authorized, suspected Counterfeits.

Galaxy Evers (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

Goldie (confrimed Counterfeits on Amazon)

GreatWholesale.  3/23/24 most likely Counterfeits.

GUDX LLC. 3/4/23 Confirmed Counterfeits.

Guli Online Store 7/13/2024

Hafiz Umair (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers, 2/7/23 changed name to BUY AND ENJOY 1. 2/5/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Highlights. 4/21/24.  Counfirmed Counterfeits.

Horizon deals llc. 3/22/24 most likely selling Counterfeits

Howies Place 7/13/2024

Imran Pro LLC 4/22/24 Confirmed Counterfeits

Iram Irfan 2/29/24. 3/18/24 Confirmed Counterfeits.

Jacketoutfit. Most likely selling Counterfeits.

Jawad Ahmad USA  (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers)

Kareem Ghias  (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers).  2/28/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

King Heights.  Located in Pakistan.  Pakistan is the main source of Counterfeit MAC knives and no genuine MAC knives are sold to Pakistan.

Knife Hubb also selling as Japanesehpoi (highly likely Counterfeits on Amazon). 7/2 changed his seller name to "Cooking Deppot LLC" to mimic our authorized seller "Cooking Depot"

Khizir Uddin   (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers).  2/14/24 confirmed Counterfeits

LeoTide 7/13/2024 

LionKing US/Goldie Sports LLC (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon-3 times).  

LoveWash Marketplace (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

Lumera Goods.  2/27/24 listing MTH-80,fulfiliing with less expensive TH-80

Mirha Point (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

MTK1 7/13/2024

Muhammad Ahmad Traders 5/8/24 (same address as known counterfeiters)

Muhammad Asif (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers). 2/22/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Muhammad Lahore (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers)

Muhammad Toseef Lahore (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers). 2/15/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Nadeem Trex (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

Nof Store (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

Otto Group

Palomino Ridge Store 7/22/2024

PBJU 8/2024

The Prune Danish

Quality Knives (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

Quality Knives 2/Head Onn (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

Qurush Enterprises LLC (confirmed MTH-80 on Amazon, shipping TH-80)

RAK Cutlery/Essa Khan Mart (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers). 3/11/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Rapid Goods (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers). 311/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Raven Retail 2/12/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Royal Revelations/Anum Saleem 3/7/24 (same address as other confirmed Counterfeiters)

Saima Toseef (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers). 2/28/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Sajid Naveed Ahmed (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers).  2/21/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Seven Knives (shipping from Spain, confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

Shab Trad 4/4 (same address as known counterfeiter)

Sheikh Zain 5/11 (same address as know counterfeiter)

ShineUp (same as AMZN_Wholesale) 7/13/2024

Shopoholic999 also selling as Alisveriskolik (highly likely selling Counterfeits on Amazon)

Smart Shopper Stop.  2/27/24 listing MTH-80,fulfiliing with TH-80

Sole Supplier. 4/18/24 Confirmed Counterfeits.

Sparkling Buying.  2/12/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Stars & Stripes.  3/17/24 most likely selling Counterfeits.

Talha Imtiaz/TMCentral Group.  (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers).  3/18/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Traskaski LLC 2/1/24 listing MTH-80, fulfilling with TH-80

Treetop Cart (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers). 3/4/24 confirmed Counterfeits.

Trend Fashionally.  4/20/24 most likely selling Counterfeits.

Shakrel/Shakrial LLC. (same address as Nof (known counterfeiter) and 14 other sellers). 

UH Deals

Walmart online (all knives sold are counterfeit)


ZK8090 (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

 Zahra E Store 5/8/24 (address in GB, most likely a counterfeiter)

ZTech Services 7/2024


The only authorized MAC reseller is Oriental Discount.    If the sellers is based in Pakistan, they are selling Counterfeits.  If a new MTH-80 is priced below $144.95 (usually in the $50-$60) and shows quantities greater than 1, they are selling Counterfeits.  These Counterfeit sellers also price the MTH-80 at $195 or higher to give the impression that they are selling genuine MAC knives.

KNOWN COUNTERFEIT ONLINE COMPANIES: (Mar 2023) Highly suspicious (June 2023) (June 2023)



 Appliance Pros

 Axe & Knives (confirmed Counterfeits on Amazon)

Deals 5 Star

Destiny Dream Homes


 EZ Depot

Funcy Store


FNZ Deals


Greenz Extracts


Hawad Ahmad

Includes Income KG.  Based in Kyrgystan, most likely selling counterfeits


Lydia Paris


Mall Mania

Premier Outlets



Todays Deals



UTcart.  Address is in Portugal.  There are no genuine MAC knives being sold to Portugal.

Zee Online Mart